
The Purpose

DivTech Insights is devoted to researching how to improve the diversity of race, gender, and sexual identity (2SLGBTQIA+) in technology organizations in the United States.

For public and private sector professionals, the research will provide biannual case study reports that may be used as a roadmap to increase diversity in their individual businesses.

Benchmarking data will be gathered two times a year to keep track of progress, improve accountability, and aid in future diversity efforts.

Building Knowledge

The future of our society depends on the development of long-term tools and models for promoting diversity in the workplace. Research published in DivTech Insights has the potential to transform workplace diversity strategies for years to come. 

Sponsor Research

Diversifying Tech Through Research to Encourage, Educate, and Motivate the Spread of Positive Change.

Technology organizations are now obligated to deal with organizational diversity. By sponsoring research, you are taking a significant step forward for your business. Our findings will be disseminated and have a considerable influence.

We will engage you via virtual research sessions and focus groups, providing the most valuable insights on how our findings play out in your organization’s culture. Sponsors have an opportunity to showcase their diversity initiatives and best practices via our intuitive case studies.

Reach out to inquire about sponsorship opportunities.